Tuesday 11 October 2011

Photo updates ● Poze noi ● Fotó újdonságok

Just a quick note today about two fresh updates posted on our photo page, thanks to a new set of pictures that we received from Slovakia,. These were taken during the Slovenski Water Polo championship in September this year.

Firstly, our Slovenski Water Polo album was expanded with a few shots that show Aquasport-related scenes. Secondly, we added a new album that documents the days of the championship, showing the other teams and plenty of action shots, too.

O mică notă azi despre două actualizări pe pagina noastră de poze, mulțumită faptului că am primit din Slovacia un nou set de fotografii făcute în timpul campionatului Slovenski Water Polo din semptembrie anul acesta.

În primul rând, albumul despre Slovenski Water Polo a fost extins cu câteva scene despre Aquasport. În al doilea rând, am adăugat un album nou care documentează acele zile ale campionatului, arătând celelate echipe plus multe scene de ”acțiune”.

Egy kis bejegyzés arról, hogy két tartalmi frissítést hajtottunk végre a fotó oldalunkon, egy Szlovákiából kapott fényképsorozatnak köszönhetően. Ezek a fotók az idén szeptemberben a Slovenski Water Polo bajnokságon készültek.

Először is a Slovenski Water Polo albumunk kibővült egy pár Aquasport vonatkozású jelenettel. Másrészt pedig egy új albumot tettünk fel, amely a bajnokságról nyújt átfogóbb képet, mutatva a másik csapatokat is és jó adag akcióképet is. 

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