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Aquasport - Torpi, 5-Feb-12 (Photo: Simon Andrea) |
Organisers, clubs and supporters continued to have an eventful, and really snowy, weekend at the second day of the competition.
Sunday began with more matches, making the most of what heavy winter conditions left of the original timetable. Aquasport's lads in the 1997 age group, after a busy Saturday when they had two matches, had one match scheduled for today with Torpi Tg.-Mures.
So Sunday morning started in a very energetic way, the morning match ending with the score of 31-3 in Aquasport's favour. The goalgetter of the tournament and the best player were both designated from Aquasport.
Congratulations to coach Csaba Gagyi and all the players for this weekend's performance, again repeated thanks to all guest teams who made their way to our town in these conditions. We would like to wish all of them a very safe journey home, and a well deserved rest to everybody.
Organizatorii, cluburile şi suporterii au continuat weekendul lor plin de evenimente (şi de zăpadă) în a doua zi de competiţii.
Duminică a început cu mai multe meciuri, toţi folosindu-se la maxim de ceea ce iarna aprigă a lăsat din orarul competiţional original. Băieţii de la Aquasport, din grupa de vârstă 1997, după o zi de sâmbătă cu două meciuri, au avut un meci programat pentru azi cu Torpi Tg.-Mureş.
Deci duminică dimineaţa a început într-o manieră energetică, meciul de dimineaţă luând sfârşit cu scorul de 31-3 în favoarea lui Aquasport. Golghetterul turneului și cel mai bun jucător au fost de la Aquasport.
Felicitări antrenorului Csaba Gagyi şi jucătorilor pentru performanţa din acest weekend, şi mulţumiri repetate echipelor oaspete care s-au deplasat în aceste condiţii la oraşul nostru. Le urăm călătorie uşoară spre casă - şi tuturor odihnă bine meritată.
A szervezők, klubok és szurkolók folytatták eseményekben (és hóban) dús hétvégéjüket a verseny második napján.
Vasárnap több meccsel indult, maximálisan kihasználva amit a nehéz tél meghagyott az eredeti órarendből. Az 1997-es korcsoportban játszó Aquasport srácok, a két meccsel telített aktív szombati nap után, egy meccset játszottak a vásárhelyi Torpi csapatával.
Így a vasárnap nagyon energikus módon indult, a reggeli meccs 31-3 eredménnyel érve véget az Aquasport javára. A forduló gólkirálya és a legjobb játékos cím is az Aquasporté volt.
Gratulálunk Gagyi Csaba edzőnek és minden játékosnak a hétvégi teljesítményekért, ismételten köszönet a vendég csapatoknak amelyek ilyen körülmények között eljöttek városunkba. Kívánunk nekik nagyon biztonságos utat hazafele, és mindenkinek nagyon megérdemelt pihenést.
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