Monday, 20 February 2012

A few additions ● Câteva adăugiri ● Pár adalék

As a few additions happened over recent weeks, just a little admin note to point at some new materials received from a number of sources - with thanks to the players, parents and everybody who contributed with these.

We received a video about one of the matches played in last year's Turbo Cup, this is now linked on our Video page. Also, found on the internet a report about the recent Transylvania Cup, aired on the TTM local TV channel initially.

Also on the Video page of the blog there is a link now to the live webcams installed at the new covered pool, thanks to the webpage of the Mayor's office.

In addition, we have a new album about the Transylvania Cup, mostly about the tournament that took place in our home town, but also some older pictures from previous stages.

The pictures on the History page of our blog have also had further additions in the last few days, so the archive album is even richer now - many thanks to Ellen & John Bordy and Gabor Nagy.

We hope you enjoy the growing set of materials and we'll come back with further additions.

Pentru că numeroase adăugiri au fost făcute la conţinut, o mică notă "administrativă" despre noile materiale pe care le-am primit de la numeroase surse - cu multe mulţumiri la adresa jucătorilor, părinţilor şi toţi cei care au contribuit cu acestea.

Am primit un video despre unul din meciurile jucate anul trecut la Cupa Turbo, acesta este acum adăugat la pagina de Video de pe blog. Totodată, am găsit pe net un reportaj despre recenta etapă a Cupei Transilvania, difuzat de studioul local TTM.

Am mai pus un link pe pagina Video la camerele instalate la bazinul nou, mulţumită paginii de internet a Primăriei.

Avem şi un nou album despre etapa Cupei Transilvania, jucată în oraşul nostru, dar şi câteva poze de la etape din trecut.

Albumul de pe pagina de istorie a mai fost extins în ultimele zile, mulţumită lui Ellen şi János Bordy, şi Gábor Nagy.

Sperăm că noile materiale sunt vă plac şi revenim cu mai multe adăugiri.

Mivel több tartalom bővítés történt, egy kis 'adminisztratív' bejegyzés emelné ki ezeket a több forrásból beszerzett anyagokat - külön köszönettel a játékosoknak, szülőknek és mindenkinek akik hozzájárultak a tartalomhoz.

Kaptunk egy videót a tavalyi Turbo Kupa egyik meccséről, ez a blog Video oldalán van most. Ugyanakkor találtunk egy riportot a városunkban rendezett Transzilvánia Kupa fordulóról, amelyet a helyi TTM csatorna sugárzott.

A polgármesteri hivatal honlapjának köszönhetően, az új fedett medencénél felszerelt három webkamera linkjeit is feltettük a video oldalra.

A Transzilvánia Kupáról új fotóalbum is van, a nemrég városunkban megrendezett fordulóról, de pár kép akadt múlt fordulókról is.

A vízilabda helyi történetéről szóló oldalon a fotó album az elmúlt napokban még tovább bővült, Bordy Ellen-nek, Bordy Jánosnak és Nagy Gábornak köszönhetően.

Reméljük, az új tartalom tetszik és visszatérünk majd újdonságokkal.

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