In conditions of extreme snow falls and particularly treacherous winter conditions, this weekend of Transylvania Cup matches was affected partially, with only a few teams making it to Targu Mures.
This means a much altered timetable, but still, thanks to all the organisers, teams and also the spectators, several matches have happened today and tomorrow more will follow.
Aquasport's 1997 age group team played with the teams of CSM Brasov and Viitorul Cluj Napoca.
First match was with CSM Brasov, and Aquasport's lads won with the final score of 23-11, a match of many goals and fast pace to keep the supporters entertained on an exceptionally nasty winter day.
The second match was also very exciting, with very special refereeing surprises witnessed with great interest by all present - the final score ending up 13-11 in Viitorul Cluj Napoca's favour, who we thank for the brilliant match and that they, as all guests, traveled in difficult conditions to be at this competition.
Many thanks to all who, against all odds and in extremely difficult conditions, have succeeded with the first of two memorable days of water polo. We wish success to everyone for tomorrow's set of matches, congratulations to all for today's results.
În condiţii meteo extreme de iarnă, weekendul acesta la Cupa Transilvania a fost parţial afectat, cu numai unele echipe reuşind să ajungă la Târgu Mureş.
Acest fapt a însemnat şi un orar modificat, dar, mulţumit organizatorilor, echipelor şi spectatorilor, mai multe meciuri au avut loc azi şi altele urmează mâine.
Echipa din grupa de vârstă 1997 de la Aquasport a jucat cu CSM Braşov şi Viitorul Cluj-Napoca.
Primul meci a fost cu CSM Braşov, şi după o partidă de mare viteză şi cu multe goluri, Aquasport a câştigat cu scorul de 23-11, fiind un spectacol sportiv superb pentru suporteri.
Meciul următor cu Viitorul a fost tot un meci captivant, inclusiv din cauza unor surprize foarte speciale de arbitraj urmărite cu mult interes de cei prezenţi... Scorul final a fost 13-11 în favoarea echipei oaspete, le mulţumim pentru meciul superb şi că au venit, ca toţi oaspeţii, în condiţii grele la competiţie.
Multe mulţumiri tutor, care în pofida tuturor condiţiilor vitrege, au reuşit să realizeze o zi memorabilă de polo - şi urăm mult succes pentru duminică, felicitări la toţi pentru rezultatele de azi.
Rendkívül nehéz téli időjárási körülmények között, a Transzilvánia Kupa is részben ezen faktorok behatása alá került, csak pár csapat tudott eljutni Marosvásárhelyre.
Ez módosított órarenddel is járt, de a szervezőknek, csapatoknak és közönségnek köszönhetően több meccs került lejátszásra, és további meccsek lesznek holnap.
Az 1997-es korosztályban az Aquasport a CSM Brassó és Viitorul Kolozsvár csapatával játszott.
Az első meccset a brassóiakkal játszották, és egy nagy sebességű sok gólos játszma után, amely a nézőket is megörvendeztette, 23-11-gyel az Aquasport győzött.
A következő meccs is fergeteges volt, beleértve több figyelemreméltó bírói meglepetést, amelyet végignézhettek az egybegyűltek. Az eredmény 13-11 volt a vendégcsapat javára, akiknek köszönjük a szuper meccset és hogy, mint minden vendég, nehéz körülmények között eljöttek a versenyre.
Sok köszönet mindenkinek, akik a nehéz helyzetben is egy emlékezetes vízilabda napot teremtettek meg - és sok sikert a vasárnapi meccsekhez, gratulálunk mindenkinek a mai eredményekhez.
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