Saturday, 7 January 2012
Another day at the regional championship ● O nouă zi la campionatele regionale ● Ismét egy nap a területi bajnokságon
After the opening ceremony of the new pool (as described in previous blog posts), the younger team set off on Friday morning to the Hungarian city of Békéscsaba . Here they played today two matches at the regional championship.
The first match was with the so far unbeaten Csabai Csirkefogók Water Polo club, and this match began with with Aquasport dominating 3-1. The game became one of many twists and turns, as 2nd quarter was won by Csabai Csirkefogók (1-3), then Aquasport won 3rd quarter 4-3. Their opponents turned the table again in the final quarter, winning 2-4 and with an overall score of 10-11 against Aquasport (detailed stats are here). Splendid effort by our lads, also considering their opponents' track record and the fact that they played in their home town.
The following match was with the water polo club from Zemplén, Hungary (Zempléni Vízilabda Club),. Aquasport dominated more clearly here, the quarters having had the scores 3-2, 4-1, 4-6 and 2-0 for Aquasport, the final score having been 13-9 for our lads. Detailed stats of the match can be found here.
This keeps them with 12 points at 3rd place in the championship where a total of 8 teams are playing, so far having won 4 out of 6 matches.
As usual by now, as these lines are written, they are on their way home, so they'll have Sunday to reflect on the events of the last week that included a few forever memorable ones. Congratulations to the team for today's performance and have a safe journey home.
După ceremonia de deschidere a noului bazin (cum am descris în articole precedente), echipa mai tânără a pornit la drum vineri dimineaţa spre oraşul Békéscsaba din Ungaria, unde au jucat astăzi două meciuri la campionatul regional.
Primul meci a fost jucat cu clubul Csabai Csirkefogók, care a fost neînvins până azi la acest campionat. Acest meci a început cu Aquasport dominând cu 3-1, dar jocul a devenit unul cu multe întorsături. Sfertul al doilea a fost câştigat de Csabai Csirkefogók (1-3), apoi Aquasport i-a învins in sfertul al treilea cu 4-3. În ultimul sfert, adversarii lor au întors situaţia, câştigând sfertul cu 2-4 şi meciul cu scorul final de 10-11 în favoarea lor (statistici detaliate sunt aici). Un efort splendid de la băieţii noştri, considerând şi performanţele adversarilor şi că aceştia au jucat acasă.
Următorul meci a fost cu clubul de la Zemplén. Aquasport a dominat mai clar aici, sferturile având scorurile de 3-2, 4-1, 4-6 şi 2-0 pentru Aquasport, scorul final fiind 13-9 pentru băieţii noştri. Statisticile detaliat se pot vedea aici.
Aceasta menţine echipa cu 12 puncte pe locul trei în campionat, unde joacă 8 echipe în total, până acum au câştigat 4 din 6 meciuri.
Ca de obicei, în timp ce se scriu aceste rânduri, ei sunt pe drumul spre casă, deci vor avea la dispoziţie ziua de duminică pentru reflecţii despre evenimentele acestei săptămâni, dintre care unele vor rămâne pe veci în amintirea lor. Felicitări încă o dată echipei pentru performanţa de astăzi şi dorim tuturor o călătorie plăcută.
A blogon az elmúlt napokban leírt medence megnyitó ünnepség után a klub fiatalabb csapata Békéscsaba fele indult péntek reggel, ahol ma a területi bajnokság keretében két meccset játszottak.
Az első mérkőzés a Csabai Csirkefogók Vízilabda Klub ellen volt, akik eddig veretlenek voltak a bajnokságon. Ez a meccs Aquasport fölényével indult, az első negyedet 3-1-re nyerték. Ezután a meccs nagyon fordulékonnyá vált, második negyedben Csabai Csirkefogók győztek (1-3), majd ismét Aquasport nyerte a harmadik negyedet 4-3-ra. Ellenfeleik ismét fordítottak a meccsen, a negyedik negyedet 2-4-re és a meccset így 10-11-re nyerve (részletes statisztikák itt vannak). Nagyon szép erőfeszítés volt Aquasport srácai részéről, tekintve ellenfeleik statisztikáit és hogy otthon játszottak.
A második meccs a Zempléni Vízilabda Klubbal került sorra, itt Aquasport dominált, a negyedekben az eredmény 3-2, 4-1, 4-6 és 2-0 volt a srácaink javára, a meccset 13-9-re nyerve így meg. A meccs részletes statisztikáit itt lehet látni.
Ezzel a csapat a harmadik helyet megtartja a bajnokságon 12 ponttal, ahol összesen nyolc csapat játszik, eddig hat meccsből négyet nyerve meg.
Immár szokás szerint, miközben ezen sorok íródnak, a csapat útban van hazafele, így vasárnap majd az elmúlt hét eseményeire gondolhatnak vissza, és ezek között van olyan is, amely mindörökké megmarad emlékezetükben. Ismételt gratuláció a teljesítményért és kellemes, biztonságos utat kívánunk mindenkinek.
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