Friday, 29 March 2013

Second day ● A doua zi ● Második nap

(C) Aquasport

Today we had again two matches, the morning encounter with CSM Cluj was a superb one, with very tight scores throughout. Cluj lead then Aquasport, then went neck to neck until the final minutes when Cluj managed to establish a firmer lead - final score of 14-11 for Cluj. Congrats to everyone for a really beautiful exciting match!

In the evening, at 8PM came the match against AMEFA Arad, an admirable team in their strategy & execution, final score ending up 16-6  for Arad.

Once again, a superb day of waterpolo, and we wish everyone a very good rest for the final, third, day of matches!

Azi au urmat iar două meciuri, întâlnirea de dimineață fiind cu CSM Cluj. A fost un meci superb și foarte strâns, Cluj a luat conducerea, după care Aquasport, apoi în ultimele minute Clujul a reușit să ia avantaj mai solid, cu scorul final de 14-11 pentru Cluj. Felicitări tuturor pentru un meci foarte frumos și excitant!

Seara la opt a urmat meciul cu AMEFA Arad, o echipă cu strategie și execuție admirabilă, scorul final fiind 16-6 pentru Arad.

Deci încă o zi superbă de polo, și dorim tuturor odihnă bună pentru ultima, a treia, zi de meciuri!

Ma ismét két meccsünk volt, a reggeli a CSM Kolozsvár csapatával szuper szoros találkozó volt. Ők vezettek, majd Aquasport és szoros küzdelem után Kolozsvár tett szolidabb előnyre az utolsó percekben, 14-11-re győzve. Gratulálunk egy nagyon szép izgalmas meccsért!

Este nyolckor következett az AMEFA Arad elleni meccs, egy stratégiájában és végrehajtásban csodálatra méltó csapat volt az ellenfél. A végeredmény 16-6 volt Arad javára.

Ismét egy szuper vízilabda nap, és mindenkinek kívánunk jó pihenést a holnapi harmadik és utolsó meccs naphoz!

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