Monday, 2 April 2012

Masterplast tournament ● Turneul Masterplast ● Masterplast turné

(C) Aquasport (photo taken on 31-Mar-12)

 The second edition of the Masterplast international tournament began today in Oradea, Romania. In two groups, a total of 8 teams take part from Germany, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. The competition runs for a total of three days.

It is of course a fantastic experience for Aquasport, too and they began the championship with a quite eventful first day.

There were some changes to the morning timetable, which meant our team saw their morning match postponed and played two matches in the afternoon and evening.

The first match was against UVSE from Hungary, one of the main talent supplying teams for the national water polo team, and the ultra-tight match was marked by Aquasport leading all the way through, then unfortunately in the last couple of minutes UVSE turned the situation upside down, only just... and won 9-8 in the end. A truly superb effort from Aquasport's lads, with such a dramatic finale.

The second match was played against Oradea's team, a game that was expected to be extra-tough again and it lived up to these expectations. Aquasport led in a solid manner, but then the situation turned in many ways on Oradea's home ground, with a strong deja-vu on the advantages of the home ground starting to alter the natural course of the game in a too familiar fashion, although both teams played well. Oradea won 6-4 in the end.

So after a very intense second half of their day, we wish everyone in the team a good rest after a huge double effort and all the best for the rest of the tournament, another day with two matches is coming up!

A doua ediție a turneului internațional Masterplast a început azi la Oradea. În două grupe, în total opt echipe iau parte, competiția având participanți din Germania, România, Slovacia și Ungaria.

Desigur aceasta este o experiență fantastică și pentru Aquasport, care a început turneul cu o zi cam plină de evenimente.

Au fost modificări de orar, așa că echipa noastră a văzut o amânare a meciului de dimineață, și au jucat două meciuri după-masa și seara.

Prima partidă a fost cu UVSE din Ungaria, unul dintre cluburile principale care furnizează talent pentru echipa naţională, şi meciul ultra-tensionat a fost marcat de faptul că Aquasport conducea continuu, dar în ultimele două minute UVSE a întors situaţia şi a reuşit să învingă cu 9-8. Un efort chiar superb al băieţilor Aquasport, cu un final aşa de dramatic.

Al doilea meci a fost jucat împotriva echipei de la Oradea, o partidă care se promitea a fi unul tot foarte dificil, şi a confirmat aşteptările pe acest plan. Aquasport conducea solid, după care s-a întors situaţia cu avantajele  terenul de 'acasă' care în mod prea familiar a afectat cursul natural al jocului, cu toate că amândouă echipe au jucat bine. Oradea a învins cu 6-4.

Deci după o intensă doua jumătate a zilei, dorim tuturor din echipă odihnă plăcută după un efort dublu imens şi toate cele bune pentru restul turneului, urmează a doua zi cu două meciuri!

A nemzetközi Masterplast turné második kiadása ma kezdődött Nagyváradon. Két csoportban összesen nyolc csapat részt, a versenynek magyar, német, román és szlovák résztvevői vannak.

Természetesen ez az Aquasport számára is fantasztikus tapasztalat, csapatunk a turnét amúgy egészen eseménydús nappal kezdte.

Mivel órarend változás történt, a reggeli meccsük elhalasztódott, és két mérkőzésük volt délután majd este.

Az első találkozó az UVSE csapatával volt, amely az egyik fő utánpotló csapata a válogatottnak, és a meccset az emelte ki, hogy Aquasport végig vezetett, de sajnos utolsó percekben az UVSE sikerült megfordítsa a helyzetet és szorosan 9-8-ra győztek végül. Igazán kitűnő erőfeszítés az Aquasport srácaitól és egy drámai fináléval.

A második meccs Nagyvárad csapata ellen volt, amely szintén rendkívül nehéznek ígérkezett és be is váltotta   az ezen jellegű várakozásokat. Aquasport vezetett szolid módon, de ezzel a helyzetet elkezdték megfordítani már nagyon közelről ismert módon az ellenfél hazai pályájának előnyei amelyek, noha mindkét csapat jól játszott, a játék természetes menetét befolyásolták.Várad győzött 6-4-re végül.

Így tehát enyhén szólva intenzív volt a nap második fele, és kívánunk mindenkinek jó pihenést egy kemény dupla erőfeszítés után és a legjobbakat a verseny hátralevő részére, ismét dupla meccses nap következik!

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