Monday, 3 October 2011

Invaluable help ● Ajutor nepreţuit ● Felbecsülhetetlen segítség

While the blog content is gradually expanding with information on our club, it’s time to share a few things  about the invaluable help offered to the club by one of this sport’s key figures.

The kind assistance comes from Iuliu Capşa, the former coach of Dinamo Bucharest, who is taking part in the training of Aquasport’s players and assists coach Csaba Gagyi. We are extremely glad that, whilst we receive guidance from a personality of such caliber, we also have the chance to collaborate with someone who shows such level of altruism and passion.

Iuliu Capşa was the coach of Dinamo during the period 1966-1990. He started to coach children and juniors at that club, and when he became the senior team’s coach he brought Dinamo all the way to the final of the European Champions’ Cup. He also brought back with the team two bronze medals from the Cup Winners’ Cup.

In 1988 and 1989 he was advisor and then assistant coach at Bulgaria’s national team, then between 1990 and 1996 he coached the water polo team at Duisburg, Germany. After this time period, he spent four years at SV Kammen, moving on to assistant coach position for Germany’s national team, then finished his career at the team of North-Rhein Westphalia.

Apart from the successes he achieved with a number of clubs, we must mention that he also discovered and nurtured an entire series of great players - for example, Viorel Rus, Adrian Nastasiu, Şerban Popescu, Dinu Popescu,Vlad Hagiu, Cătălin Moiceanu, Florin Ardeleanu, and the former president of the Romanian Water Polo Federation, George Gaiţa.

At present, Iuliu Capşa is still very passionate about helping with the revitalisation of Romanian water polo. As coach Csaba Gagyi told a local TV station (TTM), “It is a dream come true on an objective we set at the start of this year – namely, to have the possibility of inviting Mr. Capşa. My opinion is that he is the best Romanian coach. He discovered the best Romanian water polo players that existed.”

 În timp ce conţinutul acestui blog se extinde treptat cu informaţii legate de club, este timpul să scriem şi despre preţiosul ajutor oferit clubului de către o personalitate cheie a acestui sport.

Este vorba de Iuliu Capşa, fostul antrenor Dinamo Bucureşti care participă la pregătirea poloiştilor de la Aquasport şi îl asistă pe antrenorul Gagyi Csaba. Trebuie să ne bucurăm că, pe lângă faptul că avem acces la îndrumările unei personalităţi de acest calibru, avem ocazia să colaborăm cu cineva care dă dovadă de rar altruism şi adâncă pasiune.

Iuliu Capşa a fost antrenor la Dinamo între anii 1966 si 1990. A început să antreneze copii şi juniori la Dinamo - iar după ce a devenit antrenorul echipei de seniori a ajuns cu Dinamo până în finala Cupei Campionilor Europeni, şi a obţinut de două ori medalia de bronz în Cupa Cupelor.

Între anii 1988-1989 a fost consilier şi apoi antrenor secund al echipei nationale a Bulgariei, iar între anii 1990-1996 a fost antrenor la echipa din Duisburg. După aceasta, a petrecut patru ani la SV Kammen, şi a fost apoi antrenor secund la naţionala Germaniei, încheindu-şi cariera la formaţia landului Nord Rhein Westfalia.

Pe lângă succesele sale înregistrate cu diferite cluburi, nu trebuie sa uităm nici faptul ca dânsul a descoperit şi a crescut o întreagă serie de mari jucători, de exemplu Viorel Rus, Adrian Nastasiu, Şerban Popescu, Dinu Popescu,Vlad Hagiu, Cătălin Moiceanu, Florin Ardeleanu, şi pe fostul presedinte al Federaţiei Române de Polo, George Gaiţa.

În prezent dânsul este dornic să ajute la revitalizarea polo-ului românesc.După cum a declarat Gagyi Csaba postului local de televiziune (TTM), "Este un vis realizat ce am impus la începutul anului, să avem posibilitatea să-l invităm pe domnul Capşa. Părerea mea este că e cel mai bun antrenor român. Dânsul a descoperit pe cei mai bun poloişti români care au existat până în prezent."

Miközben a blog bővül a klubról szóló informaciókkal is, ideje írni arról a rendkívül értékes segítségről is, amit a klub a vízilabda egyik kulcsszemélyiségétől kap.

Iuliu Capşa-ról van szó, a Dinamo Bukarest volt edzőjéről, aki az Aquasport pólósainak felkeszítésében vesz részt és Gagyi Csaba edzőt segíti. Különösképpen örvendhetünk, hogy egy ilyen kaliberű személyiség tanácsaihoz van közvetlen hozzáférésünk, aki ráadásul ennyire önzetlen odaadásról tesz bizonyságot.

Iuliu Capşa a Dinamo-nál volt edző 1966 és 1990 között. Gyerekek és serdülők edzésével kezdte karrierjét a Dinamo-nál, és miután a felnőtt csapat edzője is lett, a Bajnokcsapatok Európa Kupája döntőjéig vitte a csapatot, a Kupagyőztesek Kupájában pedig kétszer bronz érmesek lettek.

1988-ban és 1989-ben a bolgár válogatott tanácsadója, majd másodedzője volt, 1990 és 1996 között pedig a Duisburg-i csapatot edzette. Ezt követően az SV Kammen-nél volt négy évig, majd a német válogatottnál  volt másodedző. Karrierjét az Észak-Rajna Vesztfália tartomány vízilabda csapatánál fejezte be.

A különböző klubokkal elért sikerek mellett azt is ki kell emelnünk, hogy Iuliu Capşa kiemelkedő hazai vízilabdázók egész sorát fedezte és nevelte fel, hogy csak egy pár nevet említsünk, Viorel Rus, Adrian Nastasiu, Şerban Popescu, Dinu Popescu,Vlad Hagiu, Cătălin Moiceanu, Florin Ardeleanu, és a Román Vízilabda Szövetség volt elnöke, George Gaiţa.

Jelenleg Capşa úr a romániai vízilabda újraélesztését szeretné támogatni. Ahogyan Gagyi Csaba nyilatkozta a helyi TTM tévécsatornának, "Ez év elején kitűzött cél volt, hogy meghívjuk Capşa urat, így most ezen álom beteljesülését éltük meg. Véleményem szerint ő a legjobb romániai edző, minden idők legjobb hazai vízilabdásait fedezte fel."

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