A small editorial note on a few updates and plans for the blog...
We obviously added the first few of the standalone pages we intend to host here, one is about the history of water polo in our home town, partly to substantiate the previous statements on this sport's illustrious past here.
The photo page is gradually expanding, the first album with competition pictures is now linked in, and would add more albums about the club. All contributions deemed suitable for the blog are more than welcome.
We also plan to add standalone pages about our club and its key people.
As per all previous postings, comments are welcome via the box at the bottom, or even more directly to aquasport.tgm@gmail.com
O mică notă editorială despre câteva actualizări şi planuri legate de acest blog...
Cum se poate observa, am adăugat câteva pagini separate, una fiind dedicată istoriei acestui sport în oraşul nostru şi subliniază afirmaţiile făcute pe acest blog despre trecutul ilustru pe care l-a avut polo pe apă la noi.
Pagina cu poze se extinde treptat, un punct de start este marcat de prezenţa noului album compus din imagini de la competiţiile noastre. Vom adăuga alte albume, şi orice contribuţie este foarte binevenită.
Mai plănuim să adăugăm pagini despre clubul nostru şi personalităţile cheie.
Ca şi în cazul celorlalte note de pe blog, comentarii sunt binevenite prin cutia de mai jos, sau şi mai direct prin email la aquasport.tgm@gmail.com
Egy apró 'szerkesztői' bejegyzés a blog újabb tartalmáról és terveinkről...
Mint észrevehető, egy pár önálló oldalt tettünk hozzá a bloghoz, az egyik a vízilabda városunkbeli történetét mondja el, ezzel alátámasztva a korábbi kijelentéseket ezen sport fényes helyi múltjáról.
A fotós oldal fokozatosan bővül, egy kiindulópontot az új album linkje képvisel, ebben versenyeinken készült fotókat lehet látni.
A klubról és személyiségeiről is létesítünk oldalt.
Mint korábbi jegyzeteinkkel kapcsolatban is, kommentárokat szívesen fogadunk a lenti dobozban, vagy egyenesen az aquasport.tgm@gmail.com címen.
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