Last weekend was an active one, with the Mures Cup and the charity fundraising Swimathon having taken place.
However, a nice highlight was also the award gala that recognised our city's sporting talent. Among the invited athletes who received the award were also Aquasport's David Magyari and Norbert Baki.
A well-deserved congratulations for the well-deserved award, lads! and lots of success for the future!
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David Magyari with the trophee... |
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... and the cash prizes, example from Norbert Baki |
Weekendul trecut a fost unul activ, Cupa Mureș și Swimathon-ul caritabil desfășurându-se la bazin.
Dar totodată un alt eveniment frumos a fost și gala de premiere pentru talentele sportului mureșean. Printre sportivii invitați și premiați au fost David Magyari și Norbert Baki de la Aquasport.
Felicitări binemeritate pentru distincțiile tot așa de binemeritate, băieți! și mult succes în continuare!
A hétvége rendkívül aktív volt, a Maros Kupa és a jótékonysági Swimathon is lezajlott a medencében.
De egy másik szép fénypont volt a város sport tehetségeit díjazó gála is, amelyen a meghívott és díjazott sportolók között volt az Aquasport-tól Baki Norbert és Magyari Dávid is.
Nagyon megérdemelt gratula srácok a nagyon megérdemelt kitüntetésekért! és sok sok sikert a továbbiakban is!
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