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Kis-Miki István, Csinádi Szabó Csaba, Láposi Győző, Bartalis Károly, Tóth Ferenc Miklós |
Thus we are glad to warmly welcome, via this blog, too, Győző Láposi as coach - a veteran water polo player, who was and remains one of the key figures on our swimming and water polo scene. His name is there alongside other local legends of past decades in the water polo history of our town.
With his expertise in both swimming and water polo, he is an extremely valuable presence in our team. Already, characteristic of his passion for the sport and for the young teams, Mr. Laposi has gotten intensively involved not only with coaching, but also with organising of events and club matters.
We wish him a lot of success in his role and, above all, a lot of happiness to him and his similarly passionate water polo pupils!
With his expertise in both swimming and water polo, he is an extremely valuable presence in our team. Already, characteristic of his passion for the sport and for the young teams, Mr. Laposi has gotten intensively involved not only with coaching, but also with organising of events and club matters.
We wish him a lot of success in his role and, above all, a lot of happiness to him and his similarly passionate water polo pupils!
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Láposi Győző with a few of his little swimmers -- Láposi Győző cu câțiva din micii săi înotători -- Láposi Győző egy pár kis úszójával |
Apropiindu-ne de miercuri, când băieţii joacă cu echipa „old boys” un meci amical, şi de 28 septembrie, când va avea loc concursul de înot DUDAS (organizat de Győző Láposi), este un moment foarte potrivit pentru prezentarea noului membru al clubului nostru.
Aşadar cu multă bucurie urăm un bun venit călduros, şi prin acest blog, antrenorului Győző Láposi – un poloist veteran, care a fost şi rămâne unul din personajele cheie de pe scena noastră de înot şi polo pe apă.
Numele dânsului se poate găsi alături de cele ale altor legende locale din deceniile mai recente ale istoriei polo-ului pe apă mureşean.
Prin expertiza sa în polo şi înot, dânsul este o prezenţă extrem de valoroasă în echipa noastră. Deja, într-un mod caracteristic pasiunii D-lui Láposi pentru polo şi pentru echipele tinere, dânsul s-a implicat intensiv nu numai în antrenamente, dar şi în organizarea evenimentelor şi a clubului.
Îi urăm mult succes în noul rol, şi mai ales multe bucurii dânsului şi elevilor similar de pasionaţi de polo!
A szerdai nap közeledtével, amikor a srácok a város old boys csapatával játszanak majd barátságos meccset, és mivel e hónap 28-ikán a Láposi Győző által szervezett DUDÁS úszóversenyre kerül sor, megragadjuk az alkalmat, hogy bemutassuk klubunk új tagját.
Így tehát melegen és örömmel üdvözöljük e blogon keresztül is Láposi Győzőt, új edzőnket – egy veterán vízilabdást, aki a hazai úszás és vízilabda egyik kulcsfigurája, nevét megtaláljuk több más polós legendával együtt városunk vízilabda történetének elmúlt évtizedeiben.
Úszás és vízilabda területén ervényesülő szakértelmével Láposi úr egy rendkívül értékes bővülése a csapatunknak. Máris, a poló és a fiatal csapatok iránti szenvedélyére jellemző módon, aktívan bevetette magát nem csak az edzésekbe, hanem rendezvények és a klub ügyeinek szervezésébe is.
Sok sikert kívánunk neki szerepkörében, és mindenekfelett sok örömet neki és hasonlóan szenvedélyes vízilabda tanítványainak is!
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