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(C) Aquasport archive |
This weekend the Junior III team has three matches to play at the regional championship in Hungary, at Bekescsaba.
The lads set off early on Saturday and at 4PM local time, they play against Arad, who is in 2nd place in the group at the moment. On Sunday, the two matches at 9AM and 12 will bring the group leader from Bekescsaba and then the team from Kiskunfelegyhaza.
So quite a few tough matches again, we wish them a safe journey and all the best with the two days of competition! We shall be back with news as soon as we can, the details will be on the Hungarian Federation website.
În acest weekend, echipa de Juniori III are trei meciuri de jucat la campionatul regional din Ungaria, la Bekescsaba.
Băieții pornesc la drum sâmbătă devreme, la 4 după-masă ora locală au primul meci cu Arad, care este pe locul doi în grupă. Duminică la 9 și la 12 joacă împotriva liderului grupei, echipa de la Bekescsaba apoi cu cei de la Kiskunfelegyhaza.
Deci încă câteva meciuri tari, le urăm călătorie plăcută și toate cele bune pentru două zile de meciuri! Vom reveni cu știri cât se poate de repede, detalii vor fi pe pagina Federației Ungare.
E hétvégén az Ifi III-as csapatnak három meccse lesz Békéscsabán a magyar vidéki bajnokságban.
A srácok szombaton korán indulnak és délután négykor helyi idő szerint első meccsük Arad ellen lesz, akik a csoportban másodikok. Vasárnap reggel 9-kor és délben a csoportelső békéscsabai csapat ellen majd a kiskunfélegyházi csapattal játszanak.
Úgyhogy ismét kemény meccsek jönnek, kívánunk nekik kellemes utat és minden jót a két nap merkőzéseihez! Visszatérünk hírekkel amilyen hamar lehet, a részletek a magyar szövetség oldalán lesznek.
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