Friday, 9 March 2012
Friday at the national championship ● Vineri la campionatul național ● Pénteken az országos bajnokságon
The first day of matches has arrived indeed, marking the beginning of the national championship, if one doesn't count the swimming trials that took place yesterday.
Aquasport had a morning match, so it was an early start after a good night's rest. This match was expected to be a tough one, it bringing as opponents the team Crisul Oradea, which played at home.
The encounter ended with the score of 12-7 for Crisul Oradea, a very nice match where, courtesy of parental help that we thank wholeheartedly, video material will also become available on this blog.
So the next step was a good rest for the lads and preparations for the next match that was to come later in the afternoon at 6PM.
This was an encounter with Torpi MS, which ended with 22-0 in Aquasport's favour.
Saturday has one match scheduled for them, with Viitorul Cluj, then Sunday bring another team from Cluj (CS Municipal) in our team's competition calendar.
Congrats everyone for a first championship day saturated with water polo :) and all the best for the coming days!
Special thanks to everybody who helped with info, updates and video materials that we will shortly post on the blog, too.
Prima zi de meciuri a sosit într-adevăr, marcând startul campionatului național, dacă nu luăm în calcul normele la înot care au avut loc ieri după-masă.
Aquasport a avut un meci de dimineață, așa că după o noapte bună de odihnă a fost un start timpuriu. Meciul a adus pentru ei echipa clubului Crișul Oradea care juca acasă.
Întâlnirea a luat sfârșit cu scorul de 12-7 pentru Crișul Oradea, după un meci frumos despre care, mulțumită ajutorului părinților, vom avea si material video curând pe acest blog.
Deci pasul următor a fost o odihnă bună pentru băieți și pregătirea pentru următorul meci, care a urmat mai târziu la 6 după-masa.
Acesta a fost o întâlnire cu echipa Torpi MS, la care scorul final a fost 22-0 pentru Aquasport.
Sâmbătă urmează un singur meci cu Viitorul Cluj, apoi duminică aduce o altă echipă clujeană de la CS Municipal.
Felicitări tuturor pentru această primă zi saturată cu polo :) la acest campionat, și toate cele bune, mult succes pentru zilele următoare!
Mulţumiri tuturor celor care au ajutat cu informaţii, actualizări şi materiale video, pe care în curând le vom afişa pe blog.
Az első meccs nap valóban meg is érkezett, az országos bajnokság kezdetét jelezve, ha nem számítjuk a tegnap délutáni normákat.
Aquasport-nak reggel volt egy meccse, úgyhogy korán kezdték a napot egy jó éjszakai pihenés után. A meccs az otthon játszó Crisul Nagyvárad klub csapatával volt.
A mérkőzés 12-7-es eredménnyel zárult a nagyváradi csapat számára - szép meccs volt amelyről, sok köszönettel nyugtázott szülői segítség jóvoltából video anyagunk is lesz nemsokára a blogon is.
Így a srácoknak a következő napirendi pont jó pihenés volt és készülés a következő meccsre, amely délután hatkor került sorra.
Ez a találkozó a Torpi MS csapatával volt, ahol a végeredmény 22-0 volt az Aquasport javára.
Szombaton egy meccs következik a kolozsvári Viitorul csapatával, majd vasárnap ismét egy kolozsvári csapattal, a CS Municipal klubéval játszanak majd.
Gratulálunk ezen első vizilabdával telített :) bajnoksági naphoz és minden jót, sok sikert az elkövetkező napokra is!
Külön köszönet mindenkinek, aki segített információval, frissítésekkel és videó anyagokkal, az utóbbiakat itt a blogon is nemsokára felszerkesztjük.
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