The regional championship for the younger Aquasport team has begun today, at Bekescsaba in Hungary, with two consecutive matches. The players departed from home Friday afternoon.
First match was with AQUA Sportegyesület (Nyíregyháza, Hungary), which turned out to be very tight one just to keep adrenaline levels and heartrate high even for the spectators, ending with the score 14-11 for AQUA (3-2, 6-5, 4-3, 1-1). The detailed statistics can be found on the pages of the Hungarian Water Polo Federation (MVLSZ) via this direct link.
The second match against Sugovica Vízilabda Sportegyesület followed in less than two hours, so the lads recharged their batteries in their usual enviable fashion and got into the pool once again. Aquasport finished the day on a victorious note, clearly dominating the match with a final score of 22-8 in their favour (7-0, 6-5, 5-1, 4-2). This match is also described in detail on the mentioned homepage and the direct link is here.
So huge congratulations to the lads and their coach, Csaba Gagyi - and as they are returning home while this blog entry is being written, we are wishing them a very safe and pleasant journey home.
Campionatul regional la Bekescsaba, Ungaria a început azi cu două meciuri programate pentru echipa mai tânără al clubului Aquasport. Jucătorii au plecat la competiţie vineri.
Primul meci a fost cu AQUA Sportegyesület Nyíregyháza, şi s-a dovedit a fi unul foarte tensionat, care a ridicat chiar şi la spectatori nivelul de adrenalină şi pulsul, terminându-se cu scorul de 14-11 în favoarea echipei AQUA Nyíregyháza (3-2, 6-5, 4-3, 1-1). Statisticile detaliate ale meciului se pot găsi pe paginile Federaţiei Ungare de Polo pe Apă, link-ul direct fiind acesta.
Al doilea meci a fost împotriva echipei Sugovica Vízilabda Sportegyesület, aceasta având loc la mai puţin de două ore după primul meci, așa că băieții și-au reîncărcat bateriile în modul lor demn de invidiat și au intrat încă o dată în bazin. Aquasport a încheiat ziua pe o notă victorioasă, dominând meciul pe care l-au câștigat cu un scor final de 22-8 (7-0, 6-5, 5-1, 4-2). Acest meci este descris în detaliu pe pagina Federaţiei, si vă dăm link-ul direct aici.
Deci multe felicitări ca de obicei pentru băieţi şi antrenorul Csaba Gagyi - şi fiindcă ei sunt pe drum spre casă în timp ce aceste rânduri sunt scrise pe blog, îi urăm şi o călătorie plăcută.
A területi bajnokság ma két meccsel kezdődött Békéscsabán az Aquasport fiatalabb csapata számára. A játékosok pénteken indultak el otthonról.
Az első meccs az AQUA Sportegyesület Nyíregyháza csapatával volt - ez nagyon szorosra sikerült, így még a nézőknél is biztosított magas adrenalin szintet és gyors pulzust. Az eredmény végül 14-11 lett az AQUA javára (3-2, 6-5, 4-3, 1-1). A meccs részletes statisztikái a Magyar Vízilabda Szövetség (MVLSZ) honlapján találhatóak, közvetlen linket is ezúttal megadunk.
A második meccs kevesebb mint két órával később következett a Sugovica Vízilabda Sportegyesület csapatával, így a srácok úgymond újratöltötték energiaforrásaikat a szokásos irigylésre méltó módon és ismét vízbe szálltak. Az Aquasport győzelemmel zárta a napot, dominálva a meccset, így az eredmény 22-8 volt javukra (7-0, 6-5, 5-1, 4-2). Ez a meccs is megtalálható részletesebben az említett MVLSZ honlapon és a közvetlen link itt található.
Így rendkívül gratulálunk a srácoknak és edzőjüknek, Gagyi Csabának - és mivel jelen sorok írása közben éppen úton vannak hazafele, biztonságos és kellemes hazautazást kívánunk mindenkinek.
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