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Aquasport, 20 Nov 2022, Oradea |

The lads' efforts have led to notable results, as they finished in second position behind the reigning champions. The match results are listed below, and also a few photos from the tournament are included.
Congrats to the lads who have returned to busy school days after a hard championship, and naturally to the coaches Ferenc Miklos Toth (on the left) and Tamas Szoly Fulop (on the right)!
Aquasport - CSM Unirea Alba Iulia ( 5-3 )
Aquasport - Viitorul Cluj (8-2)
Aquasport - Crișul Oradea (2-7)

Eforturile echipei au adus rezultate notabile, echipa terminând pe locul doi după campioana en-titre. Rezultatele meciurilor sunt listate mai sus și am inclus totodată câteva poze de la turneu.
Felicitări băieților care s-au întors la zile aglomerate de școală după un turneu greu și desigur antrenorilor Toth Ferenc Miklos (în stânga imaginii principale) și Fulop Tamas Szoly (în dreapta imaginii).

A srácok erőfeszítései komoly eredményhez is vezettek, mivel második helyen végeztek a címvédő bajnokcsapat után. A meccsek eredményei a fennebb látható listán láthatóak, és mellékelünk turné alatt készült fotókat is.
Nagy gratula a kemény turné után mozgalmas sulinapokhoz visszatért játékosoknak és természetesen a két edzőnek, Tóth Ferenc Miklósnak (a címfotó bal oldalán) és Fülöp Tamás Szolynak (a fotó jobb oldalán)!