The club's background story and recent achievements have also caught the attention of the editors of the 'Erdélyi Lelátó' sport blog. The article (in Hungarian language) can be found here. The content is mostly based around the first posting on this blog and the article at the media channel's pages.
We'll also be adding a page on our blog about the history of water polo in Targu Mures, to expand on the editor's point that if we look back, we went from four players being selected for the team that played at the 1956 Melbourne Olympic games to the current state of the sport...
Scurta istorie și succesele recente ale clubului au fost primite cu interes și de către redactorii blogului de sport 'Erdélyi Lelátó'. Articolul in limba maghiară se poate găsi aici, continutul fiind similar cu primul articol de pe blogul nostru (si cel de la canalul media
Vom mai adăuga la blogul nostru o pagină despre istoria sportului in Târgu Mureș, elaborând un pic mentiunea redactorului despre faptul ca la jocurile olimpice din 1956 la Melbourne, am avut patru poloiști mureșeni selecționați... și totuși am ajuns la condițiile din prezent în ceea ce privesțe sportul respectiv.
A klub rövid történetét és sikereit az Erdélyi Lelátó sport blog szerkesztői is érdekesnek találták. A magyar nyelven megjelent cikk itt található, tartalma legnagyobb részben a blogunk első cikkére (és a media csatornán közölt anyagra) alapul.
Blogunkhoz hamarosan hozzáteszünk egy oldalt, ahol a marosvásárhelyi vízilabda történetéről lesz szó. Az Erdélyi Lelátó szerkesztője megjegyezte, hogy noha még 1956-ban négy marosvásárhelyi játszott a Melbourne-i olimpián a válogatottban, pillanatnyilag a spot helyzete a városban olyan, hogy nincs még egy olimpiai méretű fedett uszoda...
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
The summer base - Baza de vară - A nyári bázisunk
Possibly brought on by the end of outdoors season nostalgia, but here we go, a few shots of what is our summer training base in our home town.
Probabil din cauza nostalgiei legate de sfârșitului sezonului de antrenamente în aer liber, arătăm câteva poze despre baza noastră de antrenament din timpul verii.
Lehet, hogy a szabadtéri szezon végén beköszöntő nosztalgia miatt, egy pár fotót mellékelünk a nyári edzőbázisunkról.
Probabil din cauza nostalgiei legate de sfârșitului sezonului de antrenamente în aer liber, arătăm câteva poze despre baza noastră de antrenament din timpul verii.
Lehet, hogy a szabadtéri szezon végén beköszöntő nosztalgia miatt, egy pár fotót mellékelünk a nyári edzőbázisunkról.
Google Maps view of the Weekend Complex, training sessions are in the pool at the top right of the image.
Imaginea Google Maps a Complexului Weekend, antrenamentele sunt desfășurate în piscina din dreapta sus a imaginii.
Google Maps kép a Víkend Telepről, edzések a jobb felső sarokban látható medencében folynak.
Panoramic shot of the lake that surrounds the leisure complex.
Imagine panoramică a lacului care inconjoară complexul de agrement.
A komplexumot korbevévő tó panoramikus képe.
(Photo: Cătălin Crăciun)
The olympic size pool for training and competitions.
Piscina olimpică pentru antrenamente și competiții.
Az olimpiai méretű medence edzésekhez és versenyekhez.
Same pool, on a cloudier day...
Aceeași piscină, într-o zi mai noroasă...
Ugyanaz a medence, de egy borúsabb napon...
End of season at one of the leisure pools of the complex.
Sfârșit de sezon la una din piscinele de agrement.
Szezon vége az egyik szórakozó medencénél.
(Photo: Biblioteca Județeană)
Sunday, 25 September 2011
First victory at Diapolo 2011● Prima victorie la Diapolo 2011 ● Első győzelem a Diapolo 2011 bajnokságon
Aquasport has entered the 2011 Diapolo international junior water polo championship organised by the Budapest Water Polo Association (BVLSZ). It has to be noted that among the ten competing teams one finds the most powerful junior teams that supply young talent directly to the Hungarian national water polo team, which is a global superpower in this sport.
Therefore the players coached by Csaba Gagyi would certainly gain unique competition experience in an extremely tough tournament that runs well into 2012. However, Aquasport already achieved their first victory against Honved Budapest, with the score 16-11.
The next match will take place on 8 October, against the team Kölyök Póló Suli Vadász. The full timetable of the competition, together with other information, can be found on the website of the Budapest Water Polo Association.
(Picture by Boda L. Gergely, courtesy of Vásárhelyi Hírlap)
(Picture by Boda L. Gergely, courtesy of Vásárhelyi Hírlap)
Aquasport joacă la campionatul internaţional Diapolo 2011, organizat de Asociaţia de Polo pe Apă Budapesta (BVLSZ). Trebuie sa notăm faptul că între cele zece echipe participante, putem găsi cele mai puternice echipe de juniori care furnizează talent la echipa naţională a Ungariei, aceasta fiind pe plan mondial un gigant al acestui sport.
Deci jucătorii antrenaţi de Csaba Gagyi câştigă experienţă unică în cadrul unui turneu extrem de dificil care durează până în anul viitor. Dar Aquasport deja a înregistrat prima victorie, in meciul împotriva echipei Honved Budapesta, cu scorul de 16-11.
Următorul meci va avea loc pe data de 8 Octombrie, când adversarul va fi echipa Kölyök Póló Suli Vadász. Orarul complet al competiţiei, împreună cu alte informaţii, se poate găsi pe pagina Asociaţiei din Budapesta.
Deci jucătorii antrenaţi de Csaba Gagyi câştigă experienţă unică în cadrul unui turneu extrem de dificil care durează până în anul viitor. Dar Aquasport deja a înregistrat prima victorie, in meciul împotriva echipei Honved Budapesta, cu scorul de 16-11.
Următorul meci va avea loc pe data de 8 Octombrie, când adversarul va fi echipa Kölyök Póló Suli Vadász. Orarul complet al competiţiei, împreună cu alte informaţii, se poate găsi pe pagina Asociaţiei din Budapesta.
(Fotografie de Boda L. Gergely, prin Vásárhelyi Hírlap)
Aquasport a Budapesti Vízilabda Szövetség (BVLSZ) által szervezett 2011-es Diapóló Serdülő Bajnokságban vesz részt. Hangsúlyozandó, hogy a résztvevő tíz csapat között vannak a vízilabdában világhatalomként számon tartott magyar válogatottnak legfőbb tehetség utánpótlást biztosító egyesületek csapatai is.
Így a Gagyi Csaba által edzett játékosok egyedi versenytapasztalatot is szerezhetnek egy rendkívül kemény bajnokságban, ami 2012-ben ér majd véget. De az Aquasport mar kivívta első győzelmét, mégpedig a budapesti Honvéd csapata ellen 16-11-es eredménnyel.
Így a Gagyi Csaba által edzett játékosok egyedi versenytapasztalatot is szerezhetnek egy rendkívül kemény bajnokságban, ami 2012-ben ér majd véget. De az Aquasport mar kivívta első győzelmét, mégpedig a budapesti Honvéd csapata ellen 16-11-es eredménnyel.
A következő meccs október 8-ikán lesz a Kölyök Póló Suli Vadász ellen. A bajnokság meccs táblázatát és más részletes informaciót a BVLSZ honlapján lehet olvasni.
(Fotó: Boda L. Gergely, Vásárhelyi Hírlap)
(Fotó: Boda L. Gergely, Vásárhelyi Hírlap)
Polo pe apă - de la zero la aur şi argint
A version of the article in Romanian language can be found below.
Aceasta este o versiune in limba română a articolului publicat pe
Aceasta este o versiune in limba română a articolului publicat pe
Aceasta este povestea mai puţin obişnuită a unui club de polo pe apă care și-a propus să readucă sportul acesta la nivelul de succese internaţionale, după două decenii de absenţă a sportului respectiv într-un oraş unde în trecut a avut mare succes și popularitate. Clubul s-a luptat cu multe dificultăți financiare şi administrative, dar după numai doi ani juniorii au început să se impună la turnee internaţionale.
Polo pe apă a avut un trecut ilustru în Târgu Mureș și a constituit o parte integrală a realității cotidiene mureşene – pâna la Revoluția din 1989. Următoarele două decenii au adus multe libertăți – dar, într-un mod surprinzător, au adus și distrugerea acestui sport. În ultimii douăzeci şi ceva de ani am putut urmări literalmente ruinarea totală chiar şi a bazei principale de antrenament, din cauza lipsei de investiții și de interes. Nimic nu simbolizează mai bine soarta sportului respectiv decât ruinele piscinei olimpice în aer liber 1 Mai, care în verile anilor ’70-‘80 era baza antrenamentelor zilnice și scena nenumăratelor meciuri si campionate de polo pe apă.
Clubul Torpi a reînviat sportul îm oraş, totul pornind din visul pasionat al lui Răzvan Păltineanu, apoi clubul Aquasport a fost înfiinţat în 2011. Lipsa de finanțare a fost numai una dintre problemele întâmpinate de club, pentru că inițiala lipsă de access la facilitățile care ar fi putut să fie folosite pentru antrenamente reprezenta un obstacol imens. În lupta pentru obținerea acestui gen de suport administrativ istoria locală a sportului a jucat un rol negativ – mai bine zis, după ce polo pe apă a lipsit timp de două decenii din paginile istoriei mureșene, ultimele amintiri despre ce a însemnat acel sport pentru comunitatea locală datau din anii ’80...
Deci pentru copiii de la noul club accessul la piscinele acoperite ale orașului a fost imposibil la început – dar mai târziu impasul s-a rezolvat prin oferta amicală făcută de Clubul Sportiv Universitar. Bunăvoința primarului a făcut posibil și accesul la piscina olimpică in aer liber de la Complexul Weekend. Aceasta urmează să fie acoperită, deci poate devine bază de antrenament şi în afara sezonului de vară. Poloiştii din Oradea, un oraș unde sportul nu a trecut printr-o lungă hibernare, a oferit sprijin in forma vizitelor reciproce și a accessului la facilitățile lor. Donații şi fonduri primite din diferite direcţii au facilitat procurarea de echipament și finanțarea deplasărilor la competiții internaționale.
Dar remarcabila parte a povestei clubului Aquasport este ceea ce clubul a reușit să realizeze in aceste condiții într-un timp scurt.
După numai doi ani și ceva de existență, în August 2011 copiii născuți în ’95 si ’96 au câștigat Cupa Turbo la turneul mondial Olympic Hopes de la Szentes, Ungaria. Ei au câștigat fiecare meci din acest turneu la care au participat în total cincizeci de echipe de pe glob, într-o grupă de vârstă care număra treizeci de echipe. Grupa mai tânără, compusă din copiii născuți în ’97 si ’98, s-a clasat pe locul patru, ceea ce reprezintă încă o realizare foarte notabilă pentru clubul înființat atât de recent.
In Septembrie anul acesta, la turneul internațional Slovenski Water Polo, clubul a adus acasă medalia de argint, câștigând fiecare meci cu singura excepție a finalei, unde au pierdut numai cu un gol în fața puternicei echipe de tineret Honvéd Budapesta. Cel mai bun jucător al turneului a fost desemnat Adrian Câmpean de la Aquasport, acesta fiind încă un success superb pentru club.
A ura mult success și noroc clubului poate suna pentru unii ca un clișeu. La fel poate suna afirmația că trebuie să admirăm excepționala lor pasiune, determinare și ambiție. Dar cele două afirmații sunt făcute cu sinceritate, considerănd umbrele istoriei recente care ei au trebuit să învingă - şi considerând multele bătălii cu obstacole uneori de-a dreptul absurde.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Water polo - from zero to gold & silver
This article was originally sent to & published at the media channel here.
This is the unusual story of a youth water polo club setting out to resurrect the sport after twenty-odd years of complete destruction in a city where it was once hugely successful and popular. They fought with financial and local administrative difficulties - but after just two years, they achieved on the international scene. Their recent past and present revealed a number of aspects that transcend geographical specifics and the material aspects of the equation that faced the coach & the kids when they started out.
Most of the internationally noted talent emigrated or gave up completely any hope of keeping the sport alive in that town. Nothing is more symbolic of the last two decades than the abandoned and disintegrating ruins of the 50m outdoors pool, which was once the place of two daily training sessions and countless matches during the summer months.
The local sports club Torpi, which started the water polo revival that began as a passionate dream of Razvan Paltineanu, has brought back the sport and later the youth water polo club Aquasport was formed. Lack of funding was just a part of their problems, as the lack of support from new administration was another huge obstacle when it came to vital access to several facilities that could have been used for training. The two-decade-long absence of water polo in the town's history certainly had an important negative role to play, as the last memories of what that sport meant to the local community were dating back to the 1980s...
For the new club, gaining access to one of the many indoors pools from autumn to spring had proven to be impossible at first - and this was only solved recently by an amicable offer from the local University sports association. Access to an outdoors pool was gained after much effort that attracted the good will of the city’s Mayor. The kids' usual routine was to get up at 5AM and train before school, then in summer, too, had two training sessions per day. The outdoors pool is promised to be covered this autumn, hence even more chances of a continuous training regime, which will greatly benefit them.
A water polo club in Oradea, a city where the lethal discontinuity of the sport didn’t occur, offered help with what we could call an exchange program, so they trained together, visiting their facilities and gaining match experience. Donations were received from here and there, so they could buy equipment and fund their travel to competitions.
The remarkable addition to the story is what they achieved under these circumstances since their beginnings.
After just two years of existence, the players born in 1995 and 1996 have managed to bring home in August 2011 the prestigious Turbo Cup from the Olympic Hopes tournament held at Szentes, Hungary, having won every match in this tournament that gathered more than fifty teams from around the world. The younger group (those born in 1997-1998) reached 4th place in their age group, which was also a huge achievement for the young club.
Right after this, in early September they brought home a silver medal from the Slovenski Water Polo international tournament, only losing 11-12 in the final where they faced the mighty Honved Budapest's youth team. The tournament's Most Valuable Player was selected from Aquasport, so it was yet another notable highlight in their career.
Networking for them is as important as all the other practical support, and in that spirit, their gradually emerging Facebook presence was established here.Their Youtube channel can be viewed here.
Wishing them best of luck and long series of continued successes can sound like a classic cliché. Same goes maybe for the statement that one is truly admiring their rare passion, determination and ambition. However, considering the demons of local history they had to overcome and their continued struggles with tangible obstacles of sometimes absurd nature, one really, truly means both statements.
This is the unusual story of a youth water polo club setting out to resurrect the sport after twenty-odd years of complete destruction in a city where it was once hugely successful and popular. They fought with financial and local administrative difficulties - but after just two years, they achieved on the international scene. Their recent past and present revealed a number of aspects that transcend geographical specifics and the material aspects of the equation that faced the coach & the kids when they started out.
The water polo club called Aquasport was established in 2011 in the town of Târgu Mures, in Transylvania, Romania. The sport had an extremely successful past in that city, and it was an organic part of everyday reality there, up until the 1989 Revolution. After the totalitarian regime was abolished, the most recent 20-odd years have brought various freedoms - but, somehow, also brought a total destruction of the sport. One could witness the former training bases fallen into total (and literal) ruin due to complete lack of interest & investment from the new local elite who were largely ignorant of the pre-1990 history of the city.
Most of the internationally noted talent emigrated or gave up completely any hope of keeping the sport alive in that town. Nothing is more symbolic of the last two decades than the abandoned and disintegrating ruins of the 50m outdoors pool, which was once the place of two daily training sessions and countless matches during the summer months.
The local sports club Torpi, which started the water polo revival that began as a passionate dream of Razvan Paltineanu, has brought back the sport and later the youth water polo club Aquasport was formed. Lack of funding was just a part of their problems, as the lack of support from new administration was another huge obstacle when it came to vital access to several facilities that could have been used for training. The two-decade-long absence of water polo in the town's history certainly had an important negative role to play, as the last memories of what that sport meant to the local community were dating back to the 1980s...
For the new club, gaining access to one of the many indoors pools from autumn to spring had proven to be impossible at first - and this was only solved recently by an amicable offer from the local University sports association. Access to an outdoors pool was gained after much effort that attracted the good will of the city’s Mayor. The kids' usual routine was to get up at 5AM and train before school, then in summer, too, had two training sessions per day. The outdoors pool is promised to be covered this autumn, hence even more chances of a continuous training regime, which will greatly benefit them.
A water polo club in Oradea, a city where the lethal discontinuity of the sport didn’t occur, offered help with what we could call an exchange program, so they trained together, visiting their facilities and gaining match experience. Donations were received from here and there, so they could buy equipment and fund their travel to competitions.
The remarkable addition to the story is what they achieved under these circumstances since their beginnings.

Right after this, in early September they brought home a silver medal from the Slovenski Water Polo international tournament, only losing 11-12 in the final where they faced the mighty Honved Budapest's youth team. The tournament's Most Valuable Player was selected from Aquasport, so it was yet another notable highlight in their career.
Networking for them is as important as all the other practical support, and in that spirit, their gradually emerging Facebook presence was established here.Their Youtube channel can be viewed here.
Wishing them best of luck and long series of continued successes can sound like a classic cliché. Same goes maybe for the statement that one is truly admiring their rare passion, determination and ambition. However, considering the demons of local history they had to overcome and their continued struggles with tangible obstacles of sometimes absurd nature, one really, truly means both statements.
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